Here's to Freedom
You deserve to be free; of trauma, of expectations, of whatever it is that prevents your soul from setting ablaze and lighting your way.
There’s a special kind of energy required to keep choosing the path you’re on.
Whether that path is something you want desperately or desperately want to leave.
It’s particularly bizarre to me how so many of us remain trudging along a path we despise yet turn back when adventuring into the unknown of something we want.
Why is that?
Do we simply settle and allow our fate to be placed into the hands of another because it is easier than taking control of it ourselves?
I find myself asking this often…. asking whether the cost and risk of pursuing my own path is worth it compared to the safety and consistency of working for someone else.
Even as I type that I can feel my body shiver.
For me — it is not worth it.
The chance for freedom and flexibility is too desirable.
Freedom is the thing I desire most in this world.
Freedom from restriction, from fear, worry, doubt, illness.
Freedom from the bounds of time, from monetary limits, from the grasp of someone else dictating when I can take time off, travel, and explore this infinitely vast world.
I want the kind of freedom that allows me to roll the windows down on a balmy South Carolina, Indian-Summer day and pack my car with nothing but a backpack and head towards the mountains on an hours notice.
I want the kind of freedom that offers the gift of silence without looming anticipation. The kind of silence that isn’t pierced by an unexpected phone call from a colleague or employer departing demands that remove me from the present moment.
I want the kind of freedom that infuses me with excitement, joy, and hope. The kind that feels equal parts grounding and expansive.
As I’m writing this, my hope is that maybe you’ve begun pondering your own versions of freedom. What it means, where it comes from, and how you can get there.
You deserve to be free; of trauma, of expectations, of whatever it is that prevents your soul from setting ablaze and lighting your way.
Here’s to freedom.